'Shall we work in the garden? Or shall we have a day off because of the snow?!', that is the question of the entire team!
Northeasternly wind with a feel of -1 C, whereas the temperature is 4 C. What a surprise to open up the curtains at 7 am and see a white world. The first snow we have seen over a long period. It is magic, the garden has turned into a fairy tale world. The magnolia looks like a tree full of marshmellows!
There is work to be done in the garden, a lot of work.
Maybe the outcome of the team discussion is to do a bit of everything: finishing a job in the garden and then hot coffee and apple pie. There is a lovely book waiting, 'A Gardiner's Journal' by Anni Downs. As such wonderful to read and look at, but of course plans have to be made to do something with the designs. Together with the book I ordered a fat quarter of Kaffe Fassett's colourful rose fabric. It will be a lovely addition to any project from this book.
The forget-me-nots are flowering, the dandelions peep out here or there, there are so many vibrant colours on this 1 April in the garden. The sun makes the snow melt fast!