Thursday, 26 January 2017

Friends are the flowers on your path

'Friends are the flowers on your path'.
The January sun shines beautifully through the flower and shows its pentagon. 

If you read back on my blog in February 2016 - 'Monograms and hem stitches' -  you will find an entry on my creative friends.
It was time for a gettogether. Our collective creativity limits these days to cooking once in a while. We dine in the garden of the one, along the waterfront of the lakeside house of the other, or like this time in Hermine's wonderful world of antiquities and brocante. We are busy girls with many activities, children and grandchildren taking up time, here and abroad, nearby or all over the ocean. It is not easy to make agenda's meet.
After all the festive moments and dining of the Seasons I greatly admired the hostess for her creativity over this dinner. The table setting and the cooking was Italian inspired, everything in red, white and green. Silly enough I did not take a picture of the entire table, the Italian flag was created as a table cover with various materials. 

The Italian starter

The Italian antipasta
And here stop my pictures of the dinner. Too much engaged in the talking ;-))
We have known each other for over 34 years now and we see how times and we change.
I showed you a Botero picture in February's post: women drinking wine. But this time one was on 'Dry January', the other the driver, one on postoperative medication and the hostess had to keep her head at the roast in the oven. No way we looked like the Botero picture this time.
There is not only a change in our creative activities, but also a change in how we move forward with the use of our smartphones, internet, Pinterest, Facebook, Whatsapp, whatever. The one is smarter on this than the other, or vice versa depending on the subject. And on the children at hand to give smart advise!!
We lived near each other, then all of sudden moved away not far from each other, we shared pains and aches, saw babies born, wedding bells ringing, you name it it happened and we stayed close.

Thank you dear hostess Hermine for a wonderful creative evening. In your home I look around like Alice in Wonderland. It inspires me to give my interior a fresh look by giving things a shake and rearranging here or there. The January low standing sun just asks for a critical look at one's interior anyhow - the sun hides nothing, and particularly not the dust and dirty windows!
I love and collect Joan Walsh Anglund's books and would like to finish this post with the the text 'Un ami c'est quelqu'un qui t'aime'. In March we have the next gettogether, before everyone flies out.

  Let's keep the friendship blossoming!


  1. Wat mooi en lief geschreven. We hebben met elkaar al heel veel ontwikkelingen meegemaakt. Wie weet wat daar nog bij gaat komen.

  2. It sounds like you had a wonderful gathering with good friends. I remember seeing Hermine's beautiful home on the water and I can only imagine how enchanting it is on the interior. Have a wonderful day! Love from sunny Arizona

  3. Hallo daar ben ik weer even.
    Jij ook bedankt voor je reacties op mijn blog.
    Ik ben zo blij dat ik je weer terug heb gevonden dankzij Hermine !


  4. Even kleine test, ik volg je nu maar mijn profielfoto is ineens een silhouet geworden even kijken wat er nu gebeurt als dit berichtje wordt geplaatst.

  5. Dat gaat in ieder geval goed, fijn !

    1. Ik zie je, hoor, Mapi - in de 'comments' en als volger! Af en toe is het abacadabra wat er gebeurt met de functies. Lief dat je me volgt! Dank je wel!
