Tuesday, 15 February 2022

Orange sunrise


An eye catcher on our coffee table right now is the vase with bright and intense orange roses, with outer petals that form a five pointed star. For a moment they matched the sunrise, but the sky soon turned grey. Storms are forecasted. January/February storms so far always have brought damage to the garden.
This is polderland. Trees do not root deep and tend to spread their roots wide. The draught of the last two summers severely damaged trees all over the country. Let's hope they will all make it!
In the middle of the summer last year one of the beech trees was in such agony it dropped all its seeds at once, in order to save energy to survive. Amazing what nature does!

After breakfast I like to do a stitch or two. Quiet moments, a 'may', sitting next to the window, before the day takes its course with all its 'musts'. 
The painting is called 'The sunny window', by Frank Weston Benson.

My grandmother would love to see the English linnen fabric on what once used to be her chairs!
Roses are so inspiring and so often used in designs. 

Have a seat! And stay a while! Plenty to read in the previous posts!
Happy day!

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