Thursday 17 February 2022

Boisterous weather


It is a bit boisterous out there. WSW storms! A lot of work to do in the garden, débris everywhere. More storms have been forecasted until Monday. Maybe it is better to wait and do it all at once?

The snowdrops and crocusses look fragile, bending in the wind. The petals of the snowdrops look just like propellors!

The freebee on internet by Primitive Bettys just suits the time of the year. So far there has not been any snow, but who knows what the coming month will bring? The pattern ended up on my 'wishlist' and 'to do list'. I have to decide to do it in mono colours or dream up a colour scheme. It will keep me off the road and my hair will not blow away like in the sculpture, 'Blown away', by Penny Hardy (2014). A fabulous sculpture made of old machine parts. 

The tree of life with the birds is a very old pattern. Recently I came across it on an inherited needlebook. It can be stitched in red and green for Christmas, but in any other colour it would look great. Storms are always remembered in this garden, because of the damage they leave behind. Many a tree went down.

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